How to close more land deals| Forever Cash Podcast | Episode 195

How to close more land deals| Forever Cash Podcast | Episode 195

Knowing how to close more land deals is one of the most important aspects of being a successful land investor.

Highly successful land investor, David Van, shares some essential tips on how to close more land deals in this episode of the Forever Cash Podcast.

In this episode:

  • How to:
  • Attract qualified buyers
  • Identify buyer's objections
  • Overcome buyer objections and close more land deals

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How to close more land deals by speaking with buyers

If you are a regular listener of the Forever Cash Podcast, you will have noticed that we spend a lot of time speaking about Buyers and Sellers.

For those of you that are new to land investing, a ‘buyer’ in this context refers to somebody that responds to your property listing.

The first thing to keep in mind is that buyers will always have questions. It is your job, as the seller, to be as responsive as possible. If you want to close more land deals, you need to engage with your buyers.

Your first few interactions with buyers can be a bit nerve-racking if you are new to land investing. However, with mentoring from the right coach, and a little bit of practice, speaking with buyers is a skill that you can master like any other. Once you know how to speak with buyers, you will know how to close more land deals.

How to attract the RIGHT buyers to close more land deals

One of the most important steps that you can take to close more land deals is to be intentional about attracting the right kind of buyer.

Somebody that is actively seeking property to purchase and has the financial ability to complete a purchase is considered a qualified buyer.

Your listings need to attract qualified buyers, and you can learn how to do that using the Land Profit Generator method. You, as the seller, need to be able to distinguish between the tire-kickers and serious customers. Your Land Profit Generator Coach will be able to teach you how to make this distinction. You want to identify and nurture your qualified buyers if you want to close more land deals.

How to identify buyer’s objections

Most people who are considering purchasing your property will have a few reservations before closing the deal. When you engage with buyers for the first time, you want to identify what their objections are.

Some of the most common objections include:

  • Feelings of uncertainly about the buying process
  • Concerns about the authenticity of your offer
  • Uncertainty about payment options
  • No sense of urgency

How to overcome buyer’s objections to close more land deals

If you want to close more land deals, you will need to quickly help your buyers overcome any objections to doing the deal.

1. Make it easy

When you are engaging with buyers, make sure that you explain the buying process. Take your buyer through the process, step-by-step, so that they know exactly what to expect.

2. Establish trust

Make sure that you are very responsive to your buyer throughout the process. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is leaving your buyer waiting around to hear from you. Lack of communication will erode their trust.

3. Create a sense of urgency

If your buyer thinks that they have unlimited time to make a decision, they are unlikely to close on the deal. Set clear deadlines and make sure that your buyer knows that other people are interested in the property.