The 3 Land Flipping Levels of Execution You Need To Know Now

The 3 Land Flipping Levels of Execution You Need To Know Now

There are three levels of execution in land flipping, and very few people tap into the third and highest level

We at Land Profit Generator see 3 main levels of execution for land flipping and those are:

  1. The Tactical Level
  2. The Strategic Level
  3. The Purpose Level

All of these levels have very different purposes, motivations and uses in real estate investing – especially land flipping vacant land.

The three levels of execution in Land Flipping are first tactical, then strategic then purposeful. The Land Profit Generator Coaching course is the only program to teach land flipping students all three levels of execution.
The Three Levels of Execution in Land Flipping – Michelle Bosch

My husband, Jack, and I have committed our lives to help people get to the “Purpose Level” using our Land Profit Generator methodology. It’s so important you get to this level because it gives you a better understanding of the WHY of land flipping – and then it can become more than a business.  Instead, it can be a reason for being. 

Before we get you to be there with us though, let’s take a look at each first so you can decide where you are, or where you want to be:

1. The Tactical Level of Execution in Land Flipping

When you’re just getting started in the land flipping business, you have to start at the very beginning, like everyone else. There are no shortcuts. 

That first level is what I refer to as the “tactical level.” This first level is where you learn all the capabilities that come with acquiring a piece of property, closing on a property, and selling that piece of property. Then you do that same process over and over again. 

In our Land Profit Generator MasterClass, we walk our new students through every step. Direct mail and the direct mail campaign is a huge strategy for reaching motivated sellers who will often sell their raw land quickly for 5 to 25 cents on the dollar. 

We share tips about the most basic things, like unique marketing efforts such as using a linen envelope to get people to open it and get a higher response rate. We talk about the best days to mail letters, what kind of paper to use, and what to write in the letter. And we tell our students where to get the best lists of motivated sellers. 

When interested sellers call in response, the script is an important part of the process. As a land flipper and real estate investor, you need to know what questions to ask to get the necessary information for presenting an attractive offer. 

The first level of execution when it comes to land flipping is mastering all those little details that make a difference and improve conversions at every touchpoint along the way. These tactics are numerous and can be overwhelming at first, but over a period of six months to a year, they will become second nature in your buying and selling process.

2. The Strategic Level of Execution in Land Flipping

Often, land flippers master tactics without taking time to reflect on strategies that will grow and scale their land flipping business exponentially - Michelle Bosch.

Once you’ve mastered the basic tactics taught in our land flipping course, you can move to the next level.

 This is where strategies are implemented, and this “strategic level” sets our students apart from the competition. So often, land flippers master tactics without taking time to reflect on strategies that will grow and scale their land flipping business exponentially.

One strategy we teach is offering seller financing to buyers as well as wholesale land flipping. When a buyer makes a down payment and continues making monthly payments, that creates passive residual cash flow. In real estate circles, people often believe the myth that you can only do that in flipping houses and not in flipping land, but you absolutely can.

Mastering the strategic level means mapping out your plans and goals for an entire year. This involves setting monthly income goals and specific numbers needed to meet those goals and higher profit margins. 

The strategic level is where outsourcing comes into play. In the beginning, most land flippers have more time than money, but to grow a land flipping business, you need to get to the place where your time is your most valuable commodity. If you become a full time land flipper, delegating and outsourcing will become more and more important.

The strategic level is about simplifying your tactics, your process so that you can multiply. It’s all about creating systems, utilizing technology, building a team, and being very intentional. It’s driven from the point of view of your goals, then reverse engineering, so your activities match the results you want to accomplish like mitigating closing costs, being able to turn around and sell land at a higher price and much more. 

The Highest Level of Execution in Land Flipping

The third level of execution in land flipping is when you tap into your life’s purpose. Many people never reach this level. Land flipping and land investing is just a job to them, a way to make good money. But Jack and I believe you can operate from a higher, more spiritual purpose.

Land flipping can be an integral part of why you were put on earth at this particular time in history. For us, that purpose is to raise the wealth and prosperity consciousness of the planet. We want to change the lives of a thousand families, giving them freedom of money, time, relationships, and purpose.

When you execute from a purpose-driven level, it’s almost like the universe conspires in your favor. All of a sudden, the playing field is tilted your way. Things become easier. 

Your team is aligned with your vision, and everyone is working together to manifest it into reality. Sellers often choose us over the competition because they’re drawn to our values-driven and purpose-driven business. They can feel the difference. They can sense it in their spirits.

At the tactical and strategic level, you’re asking, “How can I sell this property?” At the purposeful level, you want to know the buyer’s why

Why do they want to buy this piece of land from you? You get to know their humanity, their heart. You see how you can bring value to them by presenting them with this opportunity to buy land from you and make their dreams come true.

Each Level of Land Flipping Builds On the One Before

Remember, there are no shortcuts in the land flipping business. 

You can’t take a MasterClass and expect to skip right to the highest level of execution. The tactical level is important, and it takes time. The strategic level is vital, and it also takes time. 

When you finally get to the point where those first two levels are going smoothly, and you’ve elevated to operating from your life’s purpose, success will rain down on you. Grace will meet you. Ease will meet you because you’re tapping into something bigger than yourself.