Discover Who Your Ideal Land Buyers Are When Flipping Land

Discover Who Your Ideal Land Buyers Are When Flipping Land

Discover who your ideal buyers are when flipping land in this episode of the Forever Cash Podcast with Jack and Michelle Bosch.

If you have considered real estate investing to build your personal wealth, you might want to ask yourself a few critical questions:

  • Do you have the capital reserves needed to buy a property for investment purposes?
  • Will you have the time and resources required to manage a rental property?
  • Do you have the necessary experience to find, process, and close a real estate deal?
  • How much will you have to invest in repairs and certification before you can flip a house for profit?

If these are the kind of questions you are asking yourself, you are actually on the path to success as a real estate investor.

When you are aware of the odds stacked against you in the traditional real estate market, you are in a good position to avoid potential failure.

So, how do you stack the odds in your favor? The answer is land investing!

When you are flipping land instead of houses, you don't need a whole lot of capital to buy a property. You also will not have to deal with tenants, repairs, contractors, mortgages, or any of the other complications in traditional real estate investing. And with the proper method and support, you don't need any prior real estate experience!

With all those complications out of the way, you might be wondering who will buy your vacant land lots?

Tune into this episode of the Forever Cash Podcast to discover who your ideal buyers are when flipping land.

 Who are your ideal land buyers?

Whenever you start a new venture, it's advisable to identify if the product or service you want to offer to the market is in demand.

There is a massive demand for housing in real estate, but there is a limited supply. As a result, there is a lot of competition.

The same is not true when it comes to land. There is a lot of vacant land available across the USA. However, there is also a lot of demand if you know what kind of land people are interested in buying land.

When we developed the Land Profit Generator method, we identified three kinds of land that have remained in high demand, no matter the market conditions.

Knowing what kind of land people are interested in buying will inform what kind of land you will target when buying properties to flip.

In our experience, there are the three types of land that people are most interested in buying:

Infill lots

Infill lots are vacant pieces of land in urban areas that are surrounded by other similar developments. This can be a vacant lot in a residential area, an undeveloped lot in an industrial zone, or an open field next to a warehouse.

These lots are in very high demand as they provide builders and property developers opportunities to build new homes, factories, or warehouses in an area already zoned for development.

Path of Growth

Land lots that are just outside of rapidly growing metropolitan areas are referred to as being in the path of growth.

When there is an active economic hub, people come to the area for work opportunities, and the demand for housing starts to grow. Naturally, developers start looking for land around the city center to turn into suburbs to service the growing population.

If you know how to identify growth paths and purchase land within that path, you will likely make impressive profits on those land deals.

Recreational land

Recreational land refers to rural land that is largely undeveloped. This means that the property is off the grid and offers people unique recreational opportunities.

People who are interested in camping, hiking, RV enthusiasts are interested in rural land. Those exploring off-grip homesteading are also looking for the ideal property to enjoy their passions. Understanding your buyer will help you look for the types of properties that provide these opportunities for your buyers.   

Understanding your potential buyer will help you to choose the right properties to put under contract. Once you know who will buy your land, your marketing can be targeted to find them.

While flipping land is much easier than flipping houses, it is a specialized skill. Understanding your buyer is just one of many nuances you need to master to launch and scale your real estate investing business in 2022.

Jack and Michelle recorded this episode of the Forever Cash Podcast as they were preparing for the spring edition of their upcoming Land Profit Masterclass, happening this week.

If you are interested in learning the exact method used to build a multi-million dollar real estate empire using the simplest, fastest, and most profitable asset class in real estate investing, you can't afford to miss this FREE Masterclass!

It's not too late to register!

During this 5-Day deep-dive training event, you will have the opportunity to learn how you can continue to be hugely successful in real estate investing, even in a high-inflation market or during a recession.